Furazolidone capsules, Furazolidone

    Furazolidone Capsules: Leading Manufacturer & Global Exporter | Advik Pharma

    Embark on a journey with Advik Pharma, where every Furazolidone capsule we manufacture and export is a testament to our uncompromising dedication to health and healing. Picture this: a world where quality healthcare transcends borders, where the medicines you trust are crafted with precision and care. That’s the world we envision and work towards every day.

    As a Furazolidone capsule manufacturer and exporter, we’re not just part of the pharmaceutical industry; we’re part of a global family seeking wellness and comfort. We understand that behind every prescription, there’s a story—a mother’s relief as her child recovers, a traveller’s gratitude for a remedy found far from home, and a community’s resilience bolstered by reliable treatment.

    In the heart of Advik Pharma, there’s a blend of science and empathy. The best medicine is made with cutting-edge technology and a deep understanding of human needs. Our capsules are more than mere products; they are carriers of hope, designed to bring relief and recovery to those who need it most.

    Join us as we reach out to the world with our Furazolidone capsules, bridging gaps and building a healthier future. With each capsule, we’re not just exporting a product; we’re sharing a piece of our philosophy—a belief in a healthier, happier world for all. This is Advik Pharma, where every capsule tells a story of care, trust, and a promise of better health.

    Furazolidone capsules, Furazolidone
    Product Specification
    Active IngredientsFurazolidone
    General Trade Names/Brand namesFuroxone, Entowin, Amirel, Diazol, Medifurans, Antirobe, Ambatrol, Treatedol, Furazole, Nifuratel
    Available Dose formsTablet/Capsules/Suspension
    Available StrengthTablets: 100 mg, 
    suspension: 50mg/15 ml, Capsule : 100mg
    PackingBottle or as per requirement
    Pack Insert / LeafletAs per requirement
    Therapeutic useInfectious Diarrhoea
    Production Capacity10 million/month
    Habit FormingNo
    Order TypeRetail Avability / Bulk
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    What is Furazolidone Capsule?

    Furazolidone is an antibiotic in the nitrofuran class. It’s used to treat infections induced by bacteria and protozoa, mainly conditions in the gastrointestinal tract such as diarrhoea and enteritis. The medication works by hindering the growth of the microorganisms responsible for the infection, relieving symptoms like cramps, stomach pain, and loose stools.

    Furazolidone is used in human and veterinary medicine. In humans, it’s effective against various pathogens, including certain strains of E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and the protozoa Giardia lamblia. It’s also been used to treat peptic ulcers by addressing infections caused by Helicobacter pylori, especially in regions like China.

    The mechanism of action for Furazolidone is believed to involve the crosslinking of DNA, which disrupts the normal function and replication of bacterial cells. While it is an effective treatment option, it’s important to note that Furazolidone can have side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and, in rare cases, more severe reactions like peripheral neuritis or inhibition of monoamine oxidase.

    As a manufacturer and exporter, Advik Pharma ensures that Furazolidone capsules are produced with the highest quality standards. We adhere to rigorous testing to guarantee their safety and efficacy for consumers worldwide. Our commitment is to provide a reliable pharmaceutical solution that healthcare professionals can trust for their patients’ needs.

    Call For More Info +91 96244 90954

    Why Choose Advik Pharma for Furazolidone Capsules?

    When selecting a furazolidone capsule manufacturer and exporter, Advik Pharma stands out as the epitome of trust and quality in the pharmaceutical industry. Our dedication to providing top-tier healthcare solutions is rooted in a deep knowledge of the needs and challenges faced by our clients worldwide.

    Unmatched Quality and Safety: At Advik Pharma, we prioritize the safety and efficacy of our products above all else. Our furazolidone capsules are produced using the most stringent international quality standards. Each set is meticulously stretched to ensure we deliver an effective and safe product for consumption.
    Cutting-Edge Manufacturing: Our state-of-the-art manufacturing buildings are provided with the latest technology to provide the highest precision in production. We employ advanced techniques and processes to maintain consistency and reliability in every capsule we produce.
    Global Reach and Compliance: As a global exporter, we understand the importance of compliance with diverse regulatory environments. We navigate the complexities of international pharmaceutical regulations to ensure that our Furazolidone capsules meet the legal requirements of each country we serve.
    Customer-Centric Approach: Our clients are better than just clients; they are partners in our mission to enhance global health. Our customer-centric strategy focuses on providing personalized service and support to meet each client’s unique needs.
    Commitment to Innovation: Advik Pharma is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation. We invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of pharmaceutical advancements, ensuring our clients access the latest and most effective treatments.

    Advantages of Furazolidone Capsules

    Furazolidone capsules are a cornerstone in treating various bacterial and protozoal infections, especially those affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Here are some of the critical advantages of using Furazolidone capsules:

    Key Advantages:

    iron absorption

    Broad-Spectrum Efficacy

    Furazolidone is known for its broad antibacterial spectrum, effectively targeting many gastrointestinal pathogens, including E. coliSalmonellaShigella, and Giardia lamblia. This makes it a versatile option for treating infections in diverse patient populations.


    Symptom Relief

    Patients suffering from diarrheal diseases often experience uncomfortable symptoms such as cramps, stomach pain, and loose stools. Furazolidone capsules work by killing the microorganisms causing the infection, thereby providing relief from these distressing symptoms.

    boost immune system

    Minimized Resistance Development

    Furazolidone’s mechanism of action involves interference with DNA replication and protein production in bacteria. This antimicrobial action helps minimize the development of resistant organisms, a significant concern in the medical community today.

    Safety profile

    Treatment of Multiple Conditions

    Furazolidone capsules treat infectious diarrhoea and other conditions such as cholera, traveller’s diarrhoea, and giardiasis. Their effectiveness against colitis and certain abdominal infections further underscores their importance in gastrointestinal healthcare.

    How to Use Furazolidone Capsules

    Furazolidone capsules effectively treat certain bacterial and protozoal infections, particularly those affecting the gastrointestinal tract. To ensure the best results and minimize potential side effects, it’s essential to use this medication correctly. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use Furazolidone capsules:

    Proper Administration

    Dosage: Always take Furazolidone capsules precisely as prescribed by your healthcare provider. The dosage and measurement of therapy will depend on the specific condition.
    With Food: To avoid stomach irritation, taking Furazolidone capsules with food is recommended.
    Frequency: The medication is typically taken four times a day. Taking each dose at evenly spaced breaks is crucial to maintain a constant level of medicine in your blood.


    Alcohol: Avoid consuming alcohol while taking Furazolidone and for up to 4 days after completing treatment, as it may cause adverse reactions.
    Other Medications: Be sure to inform your healthcare provider about all other medications, as Furazolidone can interact with certain drugs.
    Allergies: Do not take Furazolidone if you are allergic to it. Seek prompt medical watch if you experience a skin rash, itching, swelling, extreme dizziness, or breathing difficulty.

    Side Effects

    Common Side Effects: Some common side effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, and stomach pain. These are usually mild and may subside on their own.
    Serious Side Effects: If you experience unusual tiredness, weakness, muscle weakness, or drowsiness, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

    Special Populations

    Paediatrics: Furazolidone is not recommended for use in children below one month of age due to the risk of anaemia.
    Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Consult your doctor before using Furazolidone if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    Side Effects of Furazolidone Capsules

    Furazolidone capsules are an effective treatment for certain bacterial and protozoal infections, but like all medications, they can have side effects. It’s essential to be aware of these potential adverse effects so you can recognize them if they occur.

    Common Side Effects

    Nausea and vomiting: These gastrointestinal symptoms are common but usually subside as your body adjusts to the medication.
    Stomach pain: Some patients may experience abdominal discomfort or pain.
    Headache: A headache can occur but is generally mild.
    Skin rash, red or itchy skin: Allergic reactions such as rashes can happen and may require medical attention.

    Less Common Side Effects

    Unusual tiredness or weakness: Feeling unusually tired or weak can signify a more severe side effect.
    Muscle weakness: If you notice a decrease in muscle strength, contact your healthcare provider.
    Drowsiness: Some individuals may feel drowsy while on this medication.

    Rare Side Effects

    Fever: A high temperature could indicate an allergic reaction or infection.
    Joint pain could indicate an adverse reaction if you participate in joint pain.
    Sore throat: This could be a symptom of an allergic response or a more extreme condition.

    Precautions and Warnings

    Alcohol: Avoid consuming alcohol while taking Furazolidone and for up to 4 days after treatment, as it may cause adverse reactions like fever, chest tightness, and trouble breathing.
    Allergies: Do not take Furazolidone if you are allergic to it. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience skin rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or breathing difficulty.
    Inform Your Doctor: Before starting Furazolidone, tell your doctor about your complete medical history, especially if you have blood disorders like G6PD deficiency or if you have any allergies, particularly to drugs.
    Avoid Alcohol: Do not consume alcohol during treatment with Furazolidone and for at least four days after the last dose. Alcohol can react with Furazolidone, causing symptoms like flushing, fever, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.
    Tyramine-Rich Foods: Avoid meals increased in tyramine, such as certain cheeses, cured meats, and fermented products, as they can cause dangerous reactions when taken with Furazolidone.
    Other Medications: Be sure to discuss with your doctor any other medications you are taking, as Furazolidone can interact with certain drugs, potentially leading to serious side effects.
    Be Cautious: If Furazolidone makes you dizzy, exercise caution when completing tasks that require attention, such as driving or operating machinery.
    Children: Furazolidone should not be given to children less than one month of years due to the risk of hemolytic anaemia.
    Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: The medication should only be used when needed during gestation. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. It is not known if Furazolidone passes into breast milk.

    Proper Storage of Furazolidone Capsules

    Ensuring that Furazolidone capsules are stored correctly is crucial for maintaining their effectiveness and safety. Here’s a detailed guide on how to store Furazolidone capsules:

    Ideal Storage Conditions

    Temperature: Store the medicine in a closed container at room temperature.
    Heat and Light: Protect the container from excessive heat, moisture, and direct light to prevent degradation.
    Freezing: Avoid freezing the medication, as extreme cold can affect its quality.

    Safety Measures

    Child Safety: Always keep Furazolidone capsules out of the reach of kids to stop accidental ingestion.
    Container: Use the original container with a tightly closed lid to protect the capsules from air and light.

    Disposal of Unused Medication

    Disposal: Do not keep outdated or no longer-needed medicine. Dispose of it correctly according to local regulations or return it to a pharmacy that accepts medication returns.

    Mandatory/Required Documents

    Purchase Order
    Valid Drug License Or Any FDA License
    Company Incorporation Proof
    Import Permit
    Documents Varies Country To Country

    Available Services:

    Third Party Manufacturing
    Institutional Tenders
    Contract Manufacturing
    Regulatory Services

    Get A Free Quote

    Take the first step towards optimizing your pharmaceutical operations. Request your free quote now and benefit from our industry-leading expertise.

      Safety Advice:


      Alcohol (UNSAFE)​

      Avoid alcohol consumption as it can increase the risk of side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, liver damage, and stomach bleeding.


      Kidney (CAUTION)

      Consult your doctor regarding dose adjustment for Furazolidone Capsules if you have kidney disease


      Children (CAUTION)

      Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.


      Driving (CAUTION)

      Furazolidone Capsules may cause dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, or hallucinations. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery if not fully alert.


      Pregnancy & Breastfeeding (CAUTION)

      Do not take
      Furazolidone Capsules unless prescribed. Consult your doctor to evaluate benefits and potential risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


      Liver (CAUTION)

      Take Furazolidone Capsules cautiously, especially with a history of liver diseases. Dose adjustment may be necessary; consult your doctor.

      Frequently Asked Questions:​

      • What is Furazolidone used for?

        Furazolidone is an antibiotic used to treat diarrhoea and enteritis caused by bacteria or protozoa. It works by inhibiting the growth of the microorganisms responsible for the infection, relieving symptoms.

      • Can I consume alcohol while taking Furazolidone capsules?

        No, you should not consume alcohol while taking Furazolidone capsules and for at least four days after completing the treatment. Alcohol can react with the medication, causing adverse reactions such as flushing, fever, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.

      • Are there any foods I should avoid while taking Furazolidone?

        It’s recommended to avoid foods high in tyramine, such as certain cheeses, cured meats, and fermented products, as they can cause dangerous reactions when taken with Furazolidone.

      • What should I do if I miss a dose of Furazolidone?

        If you miss a dose of Furazolidone, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it’s almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.

      • Can Furazolidone cause side effects ?

        Yes, like all medications, Furazolidone can cause side effects. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, and stomach pain. If you experience severe side effects or signs of an allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately.

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