Telmisartan, Telmisartan tablet,

    Telmisartan Tablet 40mg: Trusted Manufacturer & Global Exporter

    Embarking on a journey to combat hypertension, we at Advik Pharma, a manufacturer and exporter of 40mg of Telmisartan tablet, are not just purveyors of medicine but guardians of health. Each tablet we craft is a testament to our unwavering commitment to those battling high blood pressure daily.

    Our Telmisartan Tablet are not mere products; they are lifelines, meticulously engineered to ensure that every heartbeat can be a beat stronger, a moment longer. We understand the gravity of our role in your health regimen. That’s why we infuse every step of our manufacturing process with precision and care, ensuring that each 40mg tablet is a beacon of hope for a healthier tomorrow.

    As we export these vessels of vitality across borders, we promise a world where hypertension is no longer a silent threat but a challenge met with the strength of science and the warmth of human endeavour. At Advik Pharma, we don’t just export medication; we export a legacy of trust and quality, wrapped in the assurance that with every dose, you’re not just controlling your blood pressure but reclaiming your life.

    Join us on this noble path. Together, let’s embrace a future where every individual has the power to lead a life unburdened by the chains of hypertension. Welcome to Advik Pharma—where every Telmisartan Tablet we manufacture and export is a step towards a heart-healthy world.

    Telmisartan, Telmisartan tablet,
    Product Specification
    Active IngredientsTelmisartan
    General Trade Names/Brand names

    Telma, Telsartan, Telzox, Micardis, Twynsta, Pirpor, Telmirid, Telmitrust, Telvista, Telvas

    Available Dose formsTablet
    Available Strength20mg , 40mg and 80mg
    PackingBlister, Bottle or as per requirement
    Pack Insert / LeafletAs per requirement
    Therapeutic useHypertension, Cardiovascular
    Production Capacity10 million/month
    Habit FormingNo
    Order TypeBulk Only
    Enquire Now Chat with us

    What is Telmisartan Tablet?

    Telmisartan Tablet is a medication that belongs to the class of drugs known as angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). It is primarily used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), which can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Telmisartan stops the activity of angiotensin II, meaning in the body that pushes blood vessels to tighten and narrow. Telmisartan helps relax and widen blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure by preventing angiotensin II from binding to its receptors.

    In addition to its primary use for hypertension, Telmisartan Tablet is also prescribed to decrease the chance of stroke, heart attack, or end from heart issues in individuals who are at least 55 years old with danger factors for severe heart disorders. It may also be used for objectives not listed in this medicine guide, such as protecting kidney function in diabetic patients.

    Telmisartan Tablet is taken orally and is available in tablets of 20mg, 40mg, and 80mg. When taking this medication, following your doctor’s instructions and having regular check-ups to monitor its effectiveness and potential side effects is essential.

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    Why Choose Advik Pharma for Telmisartan Tablet?

    When it comes to managing hypertension, choosing the proper medication is crucial, and Advik Pharma stands out as a premier choice. Our Telmisartan Tablets 40mg are not just products; they represent our commitment to health and excellence. Here’s why you should consider us for your Telmisartan needs:

    Quality Assurance: Advik Pharma ensures that every tablet is produced under stringent quality control measures, meeting and exceeding international standards. Our advanced facilities provide the latest technology to manufacture effective and safe Telmisartan.
    Global Reach: As a leading exporter, we have established a robust distribution network that allows us to deliver our high-quality Telmisartan to patients around the world. This ensures that no matter where you are, you have access to the medications you need.
    Patient-Centric Approach: We believe in putting patients first. Our Telmisartan is designed with your health in mind, providing a reliable solution for blood pressure management. We listen to patient feedback and continuously improve our products to meet your needs.
    Affordability: We strive to make our Telmisartan Tablets 40mg accessible to all by offering them at competitive prices without compromising quality or efficacy.
    Innovation and Research: Advik Pharma is dedicated to innovation. We invest in research and development to advance our medications, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of hypertension treatment.

    Choosing Advik Pharma means selecting a partner who values your health as much as you do. Take the first stage towards a healthier, more comfortable life with our Telmisartan Tablets 40 mg.

    Advantages of Telmisartan Tablet

    Telmisartan is a medication that stands out in the management of hypertension due to its unique benefits. As an ABR (angiotensin II receptor blocker), it offers several advantages over other blood pressure medications:

    Blood pressure management

    Effective Blood Pressure Control

    Telmisartan is known for its ability to lower blood pressure more consistently than other medications, which is crucial in reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

    Fast acting

    Improved Cardiovascular Outcomes

    It has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke, spirit episode, or death from heart problems in individuals who are at least 55 years old with risk factors for severe heart disorders.


    Enhanced Endothelial Function

    Telmisartan helps strengthen the endothelium’s role (the inner lining of blood receptacles), which is vital for vascular health.

    insulin sensitivity

    Insulin Sensitivity

    It may enhance insulin sensitivity and benefit patients with diabetes or those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


    Mitochondrial Activity

    Telmisartan has been associated with enhanced mitochondrial activity, essential for energy production and overall metabolic health.

    Safety profile

    Safety Profile

    It is generally well-tolerated with a safety profile that makes it suitable for long-term use in managing high blood pressure.

    How to Use Telmisartan Tablet 40mg

    Telmisartan is a medication that requires proper usage to ensure its effectiveness in managing hypertension. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use Telmisartan Tablets 40mg:

    Dosage: The recommended dose of Telmisartan is typically one 40mg tablet per day. However, your doctor may adjust this based on your individual health needs.
    Consistency: Try to take the tablet simultaneously each day to maintain a consistent level of medication in your body.
    With or Without Food: You can take Telmisartan with or without food. If you experience stomach upset, try taking it with food to alleviate discomfort.
    Swallow Whole: The pills should be whole with water or another non-alcoholic drink. Do not split, pain, or munch the tablets.
    Lifestyle Changes: Besides taking Telmisartan, your treatment may include lifestyle changes such as weight control and dietary adjustments, particularly reducing foods high in sodium (salt).

    Side Effects of Telmisartan Tablet

    Telmisartan, widely prescribed for managing high blood pressure, is generally well-tolerated. However, like all medications, it may cause side effects in some individuals. Here’s a detailed look at the potential side effects:

    Common Side Effects

    Sinus discomfort and congestion
    Rear pain
    Sore throat
    Flu-like signs such as fever and body aches

    Serious Side Effects

    Changes in vision
    Dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting
    Fast heartbeat
    Painful urination or changes in urinary frequency
    Swelling in the hands, lower legs, and feet
    Chest pain or discomfort
    Dark-colored urine
    Decreased urine output
    Extreme fatigue
    Irregular breathing
    Joint pain, stiffness, or swelling
    Muscle cramps or stiffness
    Numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or lips
    Trouble with thinking or walking
    Unusual tiredness or weakness
    Weight gain

    Rare Side Effects

    Large hives
    Swelling of the eyelids, face, or lips
    Tightness in the chest
    Trouble breathing or swallowing
    Allergies: Notify your physician if you have allergies to Telmisartan or other medications.
    Pregnancy: Telmisartan is not recommended during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, as it can harm the unborn baby.
    Breastfeeding: Consult your healthcare provider before using Telmisartan if you are breastfeeding.
    Medication Interactions: Some medications may interact with Telmisartan, including diuretics, lithium, and other drugs that affect blood pressure.
    Medical Conditions: If you include a kidney disorder, liver disease, or congestive heart failure, your doctor may need to adjust your treatment plan.
    Monitoring: Regular blood pressure checks and laboratory tests (such as kidney function tests) are recommended to monitor your response to the medication.
    Diet and Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to enhance the effectiveness of Telmisartan.
    Missed Dose: If you overlook a dose, take it immediately. If it’s close to your subsequent dose, skip the forgotten dose and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not double the dose.
    Overdose: In point of an overdose, seek immediate medical attention.
    Surgery: Report to your surgeon or dentist that you are taking Telmisartan before any procedures.
    Alcohol: Limit alcoholic beverages as they can increase the risk of side results such as dizziness and lightheadedness.

    How to Store Telmisartan Tablets

    Proper storage of medication is required to confirm its effectiveness and safety. Telmisartan tablets, used widely for managing hypertension, require specific storage conditions to maintain their quality:

    Keep out of reach of children: Always store Telmisartan in an inaccessible place to prevent accidental ingestion.
    Shop in a cool, dry place: Keep the tablets in a cool, dry area to prevent them from degrading due to moisture or heat.
    Away from direct light: Exposure to natural rays can affect the stability of Telmisartan, so it’s best to keep the tablets in a dark place.
    Room temperature: Ideally, Telmisartan should be stored at space temperature, between 15°C & 30°C (59°F and 86°F).
    Original packaging: Retain the tablets in their original blister pack until use to protect them from moisture.
    Do not freeze: Freezing temperatures can damage the tablets, so keep them at a stable temperature above freezing.

    Mandatory/Required Documents

    Purchase Order
    Valid Drug License Or Any FDA License
    Company Incorporation Proof
    Import Permit
    Documents Varies Country To Country

    Available Services:

    Third Party Manufacturing
    Institutional Tenders
    Contract Manufacturing
    Regulatory Services

    Get A Free Quote

    Take the first step towards optimizing your pharmaceutical operations. Request your free quote now and benefit from our industry-leading expertise.

      Safety Advice:


      Alcohol (UNSAFE)​

      Avoid alcohol consumption as it can increase the risk of side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, liver damage, and stomach bleeding.


      Kidney (CAUTION)

      Consult your doctor regarding dose adjustment for Telmisartan Tablet if you have kidney disease


      Children (CAUTION)

      Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.


      Driving (CAUTION)

      Telmisartan Tablet may cause dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, or hallucinations. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery if not fully alert.


      Pregnancy & Breastfeeding (CAUTION)

      Do not take
      Telmisartan Tablet unless prescribed. Consult your doctor to evaluate benefits and potential risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


      Liver (CAUTION)

      Take Telmisartan Tablet cautiously, especially with a history of liver diseases. Dose adjustment may be necessary; consult your doctor.

      Frequently Asked Questions:​

      • Can Telmisartan 40 mg Tablet Cause Hypotension?

        Yes, Telmisartan can cause hypotension, particularly if taken in higher doses than prescribed. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions to avoid this.

      • How Long Does the Effect of Telmisartan 40 mg Tablet Last?

        The effect of the 40 mg of Telmisartan tablet typically lasts for 24 hours, providing round-the-clock blood pressure control.

      • What is Telmisartan 40 mg Tablet Used For?

        Telmisartan 40 mg Tablet treats high blood tension, which helps prevent heart episodes and strokes. It’s also used to protect kidney function in patients with diabetes.

      • Can I Drink Alcohol While Taking Telmisartan 40 mg Tablet?

        It’s best to avoid alcohol while taking Telmisartan as it may improve the blood pressure-lowering results and cause side effects like dizziness or lightheadedness.

      • What Should I Do If I Miss a Dose of Telmisartan?

        If you miss a dose of Telmisartan, take it as soon as you remember. If it’s almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular schedule. Do not double the dose.

      • Are There Any Serious Interactions With Telmisartan?

        Telmisartan can interact with certain medications, such as Amiloride and Heparin, causing severe side effects. Always inform your doctor about all the medicines you’re taking.

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