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    Institutional Tenders

    Advik Pharma: Your Trusted Partner for Third Party Pharma Manufacturing in India

    Are you looking for a reliable partner for your institutional tenders? Do you want to procure high-quality, affordable, timely pharmaceutical products for your institution?

    If yes, then you have come to the right place. Advik Pharma is a leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of pharmaceutical products in India and abroad, with over ten years of experience and expertise in the industry.

    Whether you need generic medicines, branded medicines, vaccines, biological products or medical devices, we have it all. We offer competitive prices, flexible payment terms, fast delivery and excellent customer service.

    At Advik Pharma, we adhere to the highest manufacturing standards for our institutional tenders. We follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the regulatory needs of the countries where we operate. We ensure that our products are manufactured in a clean, hygienic and safe environment. We use the best quality raw materials and the latest technology and equipment.

    We also have a quality management system that monitors and controls every aspect of the manufacturing process, from acquiring raw materials to packaging and labelling finished products. We conduct regular inspections & audits of our manufacturing facility and testing and analysis of our products to ensure that they fulfil the quality, safety and efficacy standards set by the institution and the relevant authorities. 

    We also maintain proper documentation and records of our manufacturing activities, which can be verified and validated by the institution or any third party.

    Why Choose Advik Pharma for Institutional Tenders?

    Advik Pharma is a trusted and reputable name in the pharmaceutical industry, with over ten years of experience in manufacturing, exporting and providing a wide range of products, such as:

    Advik Pharma is the ideal partner for institutional tenders, as it offers:

    • High-quality products
    • Affordable prices
    • Timely delivery
    • Customer satisfaction

    Scope of Advik Pharma Portfolio

    Advik Pharma has a diverse and comprehensive portfolio of pharmaceutical products that can cater to the needs and demands of various institutions and sectors. Our portfolio includes:

    Business Norms Advik Pharma Follows

    Advik Pharma follows the following business norms for its institutional tenders:

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