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    Pharma Contract Manufacturing

    Your Trusted Partner for Pharma Contract Manufacturing In India: Advik Pharma

    Are you looking for a reliable, reputable company that handles your pharma contract manufacturing needs? Do you want high-quality products at affordable prices and timely delivery?

    Do you want to work with a company with expertise and experience in various dosage forms and therapeutic segments?

    If yes, then you have come to the right place. Advik Pharma is your trusted partner for pharma contract manufacturing and exporting. We offer a vast range of pharma services and products that can meet your requirements and expectations.

    Why Choose Advik Pharma for Pharma Contract Manufacturing?

    Pharma contract manufacturing is a process where a company (anywhere Worldwide) outsources the production of its pharmaceutical products to another company with the necessary facilities, equipment, and expertise. This way, the company can focus on its core competencies, such as marketing, research, and development, while the contract manufacturer takes care of manufacturing. Pharma contract manufacturing can offer many benefits, such as:

    How Advik Pharma Can Help You with Pharma Exporting?

    Pharma exporting is when a company sells its pharmaceutical products to another country or region. This way, the company can expand its market reach and increase its revenue. Pharma exporting can also offer many opportunities, such as:

    How to Overcome the Challenges and Barriers of Pharma Exporting?

    • State-of-the-art facility

      We can produce various dosage forms with world-class facilities and large capacity. We are WHO-GMP, GMP, and ISO certified.

    • Variety of products

      We can manufacture and export a wide range of products in various dosage forms and categories. We can produce both branded and generic products, as well as products for human and veterinary use. We can also produce products for various therapeutic segments.

    • Affordability of products:

      We offer competitive pricing and flexible terms and conditions for our contract manufacturing services. We also offer discounts and incentives for bulk orders and long-term contracts. We provide quality products at affordable prices and create value for our customers.

    • Dedicated R&D team

      We have a skilled and experienced R&D team that develops new and improved formulations for various segments.

    Scope of Advik Pharma Portfolio

    Advik Pharma has a diverse and comprehensive portfolio of pharmaceutical products that cover both branded and generic products and products for human and veterinary use.

    Our portfolio includes products for various therapeutic segments, such as anti-infectives, analgesics, anti-allergics, anti-diabetics, anti-hypertensives, anti-ulcerates, antifungals, anti-virals, antimalarials, anti-cancer, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, anti-asthmatics, anti-histamines, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, dermatological, gastrointestinal, gynaecological, hormonal, musculoskeletal, neurological, nutritional, ophthalmic, respiratory, urological, etc. Our portfolio also includes products in various dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, syrups, injections, ointments, drops, sachets, lotions, powders, etc. We can also customize the products per the customer’s specifications and preferences.

    Our portfolio is constantly updated and expanded with new and improved formulations based on the latest technology and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

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    Business Norms Advik Pharma Follows:

    Advik Pharma is a privately owned and fully independent pharmaceutical manufacturing and exporting company that offers the most flexible and customer-friendly terms and conditions for doing business. We believe in creating value for our customers and building long-term partnerships. Some of the business norms that we follow are:

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